Hi, I would like to just say thanks for a great product. I started using Code Blue Doe Estrous this year. The first day I used it I shot a 158' 9 pointer. The second day I used your great product, I was hunting an area that I've never hunted before. It was a ridge with a rub line crossing it, over looking a creek bottom.
This buck was a fable in our area and had been seen by a lot of on-lookers through the years. I found his escape route from a federal game preserve and started hunting him on November 1, 2006 archery season.
This bear came into the area the first night and either saw me, smelled me, or both. The second night, I moved to a different tree in the same area and used the Code Blue Bear Magnet as an attractant at the bait site and as a cover scent around the base of my tree. He came through the bush from down wind directly to my tree and started sniffing the Code Blue Bear Magnet on the base of my tree.
I had been hunting my favorite stand in Pickneyville, MS for many years where I always saw signs that a large deer was in the area, but I could never manage to lure him out before dark . . . My husband gave me a bottle of your awesome Code Blue Buck Lure and told me to put it on my boots, I even put it on a rag near my stand in hopes of luring this buck who I could always hear moving around me in the thicket.
I wanted to thank you for the products your company offers. Without the cover scents that I use during the season I probably wouldn't be sending this email right now. With a north wind on the morning of January 8th, those bucks had to have passed within 100 yards downwind of my stand. I just wanted to send a picture and say thanks for a great product that caused this guy to kill a buck of a lifetime.
This past Saturday I harvested the biggest deer of my life using your product. I purchased a bottle of Code Blue Whitetail Standing Estrous at Bass Pro in October. I had never tried it before--honestly $40 a bottle seemed high.
Just wanted to drop you a message and thank you for your excellent product(s). Over the years, I have used a less expensive brand of doe scent with limited success. Yes, I have harvested deer; however, they were nothing to brag about.This season, I invested in bottle of Code Blue Whitetail Doe Estrous.
On the return home from a Wyoming deer hunt, ee stopped at Cabela's in Sydney, Nebraska. I was anticipating the Pennsylvania archery season and needed some doe estrous lure. I picked up a bottle of Code Red and headed home.
On December 2, 2011 the second day of the second firearms in Illinois I made the walk to my stand. I stopped long enough to set out and trigger a can of Code Blue doe estrous scent. This was about 75 yards in front of my stand in the middle of a shooting lane.
I was hunting moose 100 km north of Nakina, Ontario. I used Code Blue that morning and it all came together! He came out of the bush right in front of me when I called 19 yards on the range finder. When he did see me, it was only because of the yellow Jeep beside me; but by then it was too late.
In the picture, notice the bottle of Code Blue Doe Estrous in my hand. That says it all! Bucks were running and grunting all over the woods that day. Twice I let a 7-pointer walk all around me in my bow stand. He was trolling just like everybody else for an estrous doe. I was on a steep hardwood ridge that fell abruptly to a river bottom. I call this place the Crescent Ridge because of the shape of the edge of the ridge before it falls down to the river. I was surrounded by old growth timber and white oak trees.