"I Have NEVER Seen A Deer Act Like That"

This past Saturday I harvested the biggest deer of my life using your product. I purchased a bottle of Code Blue Whitetail Standing Estrous at Bass Pro in October. I had never tried it before--honestly $40 a bottle seemed high.

Anyway here's my story... Thursday, November 7, I went hunting. I saw a big buck in the area during bow season and with signs of the rut beginning I decided to try my "Standing Estrous" out. I divided the bottle into two dispensers and headed to the woods with one of them. When I arrived at my stand in the dark I went to hang the dispenser near my tree. In my rush to hang it and get in my stand I dropped the dispenser and of course in frustration I went to my tree. I had an uneventful hunt that morning.

On Saturday, November 9, I returned to the same stand for another morning hunt. I took my second (and last) dispenser and hung it in a different location than I had dropped the one a few days before. At 8:45am the wind shifted and was blowing across a green field and towards an area that had been logged several years ago (about 100 yards away). I heard an awful commotion coming from those woods. I could hear a buck grunting and running in my direction; I assumed he was chasing a doe and I just kept looking that direction. He came out of the woods with his head high in the air and grunting. He was trotting/running in my direction. He went straight to where I had dropped the dispenser on Thursday and went nuts! He started blowing and grunting. He was pawing the ground and using his rack to thrash at the tree the dispenser had been in. (This was also in line with the dispenser I had hung that day).

 I have hunted most of my life and I have NEVER seen a deer act like that. He was oblivious to anything else, he just wanted that doe. I pastor a church and when I told this story to a few of the men they declared they were buying the product. Needless to say, I don't endorse many products, but you have sold me! Thank you and I will continue to try the product in the weeks ahead. I travel to Alabama to hunt the Alabama rut every January and I WILL have a bottle of your product with me. I hope it continues to work as well as it did this time. If this is any indication, it will be a part of my arsenal from now on! He was a nine point and rough scored in the 130's.

Thank you Code Blue!

-Richard O.