The Hughes Buck scored 256 5/8 gross with a 249 3/8. Late Sept. I found a large scrape leading down to several smaller scrapes. Immediately I started bow hunting this large scrape but there was no activity. The next week I started putting Code Blue Doe Estros in the scrape. It got bigger and deeper, eventually showing the roots of the big trees around it. I tried to put the Code Blue Doe Estros in it every couple of days, until, finally, the opening morning of muzzle loading season, I saw my first buck out of this stand. He was the only one I needed to see.
When it comes to hunting in the early part of deer season, using the right scents and strategies can help give you a competitive edge in your quest to take down that target buck. Early season can be one of the best times to catch mature bucks in predictable patterns, but extra attention to detail with scent control and scent choice is a must. Read more to learn the three Cs of early-season scents.
As the leading innovator in hunting scent technology, Code Blue is thrilled to announce the launch of two new products: the PST! Pure-S-Trous Aerosol Spray and D/CODE’s Unscented Hair & Body Foam.