The 3 Cs of Early-Season Scents

When it comes to hunting in the early part of deer season, using the right scents and strategies can help give you a competitive edge in your quest to take down that target buck. Early season can be one of the best times to catch mature bucks in predictable patterns, but extra attention to detail with scent control and scent choice is a must.

For the early season, you’ll typically want to stay away from estrous scents. Sexual scents are key for the rut but will not be effective early in bow season. Instead, go for the three Cs: Curiosity, Calming, and Cover.


For piquing curiosity in the early season, use our Buck Urine, Scrape Mate®, Grave Digger® Scrape Mate Soil and Dripper, Buck Tarsal Gland, Synthetic Pre-Orbital Gland Stick, and Rope-A-Dope®. Later in the season, buck scents can provoke a territorial response, but in the early season they’re an olfactory invitation for bucks to check out mock scrapes, rubs, and more. This makes patterning that trophy buck even easier.


Along with making sure you’re playing the wind correctly, calming scents like Doe Urine are ideal for putting bucks at ease when they’re in your hunting spot. Another great tool for this is our Calming Zone® stick, which is made from the scents found in natural deer bedding areas. Comfort is key.


In conjunction with a strong scent elimination routine to suppress your human odor, give yourself even more of an advantage with cover scents. Doe Urine and Calming Zone double as great for cover, but urine scents from other animals like raccoons and foxes are also effective.

More tips for a successful early-season hunt include:

  • Being diligent with your scent control, starting at home.
  • Using accessories like wicks and drags with your scents to create the effect of more natural scent dispersion.
  • Taking advantage of mock scrapes and keeping them fresh.

Explore our entire collection of scents here, and check out our D/CODE® scent elimination line here.