What Are Deer Scents?

Scents lure deer straight to a specific location. By using scents, you can set yourself up in the best position possible to put that trophy buck down for the count!

While we have found scents to be essential tools for hunting, many people aren't familiar with their impact.

Code Blue is well-known for the From One Deer to One Bottle® collection process which is a groundbreaking technique that guarantees certified deer urine comes from a single deer rather than several, producing the purest, most true-to-life scent you can buy. Premium scents are our specialty, but we also carry a full line of synthetic and blended scents for every season and every budget to meet the different needs of all hunters.

Code Blue is a proud member of the Responsible Hunting Scent Association’s Deer Protection Program (RHSA DPP) and fully committed to taking proactive steps to limit the potential of contributing to the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). For more information about the program, visit

How Do Deer Scents Work?

The success of deer scents lies within the science behind a deer's nose. Sense of smell is the most powerful sense that a deer has, and they trust it above all else.

Scents typically fall into one of three categories: cover scents, infringement scents, or sexual attractant scents. Timing and location are important. Paint a natural picture for that trophy buck by masking your odor and placing scent from another deer in a rutting buck’s domain or making a scent trail from a doe in heat to invoke a response.

Scents can provide instant results. If a rutting buck catches a whiff of a well-placed scent trail, it can bring them in close range during season! Regular application of scents will help you pattern deer to a specific spot.

How Do You Use Deer Scents?

Scents can be poured onto hanging wicks, drags, vegetation or on the ground. The application will depend on the objective and the specific scent. We sell a scent for every situation! Get specific time of year and application directions for each product here.

The direction of the wind is also a critical part of hunting as well. One gust of wind from the wrong direction can alert a deer to your presence, which is why it's important to always pay attention to the wind when hunting. Your body, clothes and gear produce and hold odor that alert deer of your presence. Eliminate the unwanted smells with D/Code™ Scent Elimination by Code Blue. This additional product line by Code Blue product line covers all the essentials to stay scent-free and undetected by wildlife.