Grave Digger® Scrape Mate® Dripper

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  • Adjustable dripper bag containing pure urine from a single buck enhanced with tarsal gland scent 
  • Use in conjunction with the Grave Digger® soil products as a booster for active or mock scrapes
  • Dripper bag can be hung on a tree branch or used to create a scent trail
  • Collected using the From One Deer to One Bottle® process, guaranteeing each package contains urine from only one deer


A new addition to our popular Grave Digger® line! This versatile Scrape Mate® Dripper can be used all season long whether you want to hang it over a scrape to keep it fresh or create a scent trail as you walk to your hunting location. This unique scent contains urine from an individual buck that’s been intensified with tarsal gland scent. To adjust for the perfect drip rate, simply turn the bottom dial on the bag.




The proprietary From One Deer to One Bottle® collection process is a breakthrough technique that certifies each bottle of real Code Blue urine comes from a single deer rather than several, which produces the purest, most potent scents. These bottles are labeled with the corresponding deer’s unique registration number.




Code Blue is a proud member of the Responsible Hunting Scent Association’s Deer Protection Program (RHSA DPP) and fully committed to taking proactive steps to limit the potential of contributing to the spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). For more information about the program, visit


RT-QuIC testing is a next-generation amplification test for CWD that is over 10,000-fold more sensitive than traditional CWD testing. All Code Blue and Code Red deer urine products undergo RT-QuIC testing to ensure there are no detectable levels of CWD so that urine-based products remain safe for wild deer and game populations. Learn more at


  • Liquid
  • 2 fl. oz. opaque plastic dripper bag
  • Adjustable drip rate
  • Includes plastic hanging tie
  • Seasonal use: Early, mid, late

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