Double Drag
- Rugged, highly absorbent scent drag with two heads at different lengths
- Use various Code Blue® urine combinations to mimic realistic scent trails for different phases of deer season
- Includes a clip that can be attached to belts, around boots, and other gear
Strategically create deer scent trails with the Double Drag! The dual system allows you to mimic whitetail deer interactions and lure your target into sight. Simulate a buck trailing a hot doe by saturating the short drag’s tentacles with Code Blue® Doe Estrous and the longer drag’s tentacles with Code Blue Buck Urine. The paracord extends to minimize mess while you’re walking, and the clip can be attached to your belt or around your boots or other gear for hands-free use. Once you arrive at your stand, hang your drags for optimum attraction.
- Double drag (short end is 4+ ft. long, long end is 7+ ft. long) with paracord and end clip
- Double drag only; scents sold separately
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