Cover Scent Effectiveness


Code Blue Scent Schedule

Urine Types
Scent Basics

Buck Urine
A curiosity scent to other bucks in the early-season, Buck urine poses little threat during this time period.  As the rut progresses however, this scent poses a challenge to bucks, often eliciting a response. Place buck urine near a buck decoy upwind of a big buck's lair to draw him out. This, too, works well in mock and natural scrapes. Buck Urine can be effective in the early-season but is at its best during the pre-rut and rut.

Doe Urine
Doesn't represent a challenge to a buck nor suggest that a doe is in heat, either of which could put him on edge at the wrong time.  In short this is the go-to, curiosity scent for the early pre-season into the early part of the rut as, eventually, more and more does will begin to come into estrous. Use 2-3 drag rags to lay down a group of trails leading upwind of your stand using separate bottles of doe urine, to simulate a family group of does passing through the area. Doe Urine works best during the early season, tailing off into the beginning of the rut.

Doe Estrous
Code Blue Doe Estrous is collected fresh, from one deer to one bottle. This scent tells bucks that there is a doe in the area that is ready for breeding. During the chasing phase, use this on a drag rag or in a mock scrape, and then call with a combination of estrous doe bleats and tending buck grunts. Doe Estrous becomes effective during the pre-rut, peaks during the chasing phases, and can remain effective into the late season.

Platinum Estrous
There are two days in a doe’s 28 day cycle that she is in peak heat, which is when Platinum Estrous is collected. Due to the narrow collection time frame, there is an extremely limited supply. During the peak of the rut phase, use this on a drag rag or in a mock scrape, and then call with a combination of estrous doe bleats and tending buck grunts. Ideally used at the peak of chasing activity. This scent sends a crystal clear to bucks in the area that there's a doe, standing ready to breed.

Tarsal Gland Gel
Located on the inside of the deer's hind legs, the tarsal tufts hold a sticky substance called sebum which clings to fat-soluble compounds within a deer's urine. Great for year-round use, apply liberally upwind of your stand to draw curious deer within shooting distance. Tarsal gland can be used throughout the season to indicate another deer's presence in the area.



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