Code Blue Supports Strict ATA Guidelines on CWD

We at Code Blue are passionate about the great outdoors, and in an effort to preserve the tradition of hunting, we have enrolled in the Archery Trade Association (ATA) Deer Protection Program to help prevent the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wild deer, elk and moose.

In cooperation with the nation’s top CWD experts and several wildlife agencies, the ATA has worked hand-in-hand with its Scent Manufactures and Urine Providers committee to implement protective restrictions that are designed to prevent urine-based products from containing prions that can cause CWD. The restrictions meet or exceed guidelines already imposed by state and federal disease agencies like the USDA’s APHIS Head Certification Program.

Code Blue products will display ATA’s “Seal of Participation” logo on all of our scent products.

ATA’s program requirements for participating urine-producing facilities are: 

  1. Must be in compliance with the APHIS Herd Certification Program.
  2. Facilities will no longer be able to import live deer or elk beginning December 31, 2016.
  3. All cervids transferred out of participating facilities will be tested for CWD upon death.
  4. Participating facilities must submit to an annual physical inspection by an accredited veterinarian.
  5. Participating facilities will undergo a 100% physical inspection every third year for the herd, and overall health of the herd.
  6. Participating facilities will maintain a double-fence if they’re within a 30-mile radius of a confirmed CWD case in any wild or captive cervid. 

The facilities providing all the urine we use for Code Blue products have been under a strictly monitored and CWD free environment for over 10 years. 

With the science and research available today, we are extremely confident the risk of CWD being spread thru urine is virtually zero.

Only two published studies have suggested any possible link between urine and CWD transmission. In both cases, experimental and artificial injections were used 10 fold, which is not the case for hunters and the normal use of a urine-based hunting scent.

Kansas State University’s Nicholas J. Haley DVM, PhD, lead author for both studies has advocated AGAINST the ban of urine-based scents.

The ATA Deer Protection Program will be monitored by the ATA and an oversight advisory group that includes wildlife agencies and wildlife disease experts. For more information, check out the link below.