Rack Rub®

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  • Stimulates rub activity on licking branches by mimicking a buck’s forehead and preorbital gland scent
  • Imitates the presence of an intruding buck to draw in other bucks all season long
  • Thick gel formulation offers smooth, long-lasting branch coverage
  • Does not contain real urine or gland scents, so it is legal to use where real urine products are not*
    • *Always check local regulations


Create an environment to attract the buck on your radar using Rack Rub®! Its unique formula is long-lasting and resists washing away, evaporating, and freezing, making it ideal to use throughout the season. We've also made it super easy to apply thanks to a mess-free swab. Refresh frequently to encourage more rub and scrape activity from dominant bucks.


  • Gel formula
  • Mess-free application with dauber
  • 2 fl. oz. wide mouth amber glass bottle
  • Seasonal use: Early, mid, late

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