As the leading innovator in hunting scent technology, Code Blue is thrilled to announce the launch of two new products: the PST! Pure-S-Trous Aerosol Spray and D/CODE’s Unscented Hair & Body Foam.
Summertime coyote hunting is much different than winter hunting for several obvious reasons. As always follow the basics, then try these tips from the guys at JAGG Outdoors to help you kill more coyotes this summer.
There are a variety of techniques that can be utilized to hunt hogs and manage overall numbers. If an opportunity presents itself, be sure to give one or all of these deadly hunting strategies a try this season and bring home the bacon.
If you haven’t been thinking about opening day for the last nine months, it’s time to start thinking about it now. Here are a couple of tips to help you find success on opening day.
Early season can be one of the best times to catch a mature buck in a very predictable pattern. However, due to typically warm temperatures, extra attention to detail with scent control is a must.
With wild hogs now living in 38 states, chances are there’s a sounder of pigs near you. If you think you have wild hogs on your hunting land or you plan to scout public land for them, look for these 6 signs to pinpoint pigs.
While a buck uses his nose to detect danger for the majority of the year, during the rut he’s using it to locate estrous does for breeding. Turn a buck’s nose against him by using a scent drag.