CodeBlue NULL

Feral Hogs in Woods

Bring Home The Bacon

If you’ve ever had any dealings with feral hogs, then you already know that these stocky and hard-nosed critters can be very destructive animals when populations are left unchecked. Excessive rooting and trampling activity for food can inflict major damage to natural habitat. Hogs also carry a variety of diseases and compete directly with livestock and other wildlife species for food. In fact, a large group of hogs are fully capable of wiping out both natural and agricultural food sources within a short period of time. 

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After Rut

Seven Ways To Be A Better Deer Hunter

Late-season may be the best time to shoot a big whitetail buck, especially during harsh weather. Chris Parrish, a Knight & Hale and Code Blue Ultimate Hunting Team pro staffer, says that bucks will bed close to food sources after the rut, and frigid temperatures keep them feeding every four or so hours. This is the time to locate a trail from a food source toward bedding areas, and set up so the wind carries the hunters scent away from the trail.

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Odor Free

Give Big Bucks the Total Package

Throughout the hunting season one of the most important factors is to be invisible. Insure you are odor free from your body to your clothes. Make sure you wash all your hunting clothes in an Advanced Formulation Laundry Detergent. You can either use the unscented, or fresh earth while removing all odors and adding an earth scent. After washing store your clothes in a sealable container to keep odors out.

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Code Red Buck Urine and Code Red Doe Estrous

Code Red brings a Big Buck in close!

Hey guys! I laid down Code Red Buck Urine and Code Red Doe Estrous on a drag line this past Thursday, Oct. 28. 45 minutes later, this monster came in on a string, nose to the ground and right to my stand. Nailed him at 8 yards! Awesome!

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Mature Four Year Old

Rod's PST! Buck

There was a cold front coming in the morning of November 2, 2010. Taking a gamble, I went to a stand on a creek crossing on the east side of a ridge where the deer bedded. With the wind out of the northwest, I was fine until daylight

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Stealth Dust

Monster Buck

I killed this 190 6/8 -inch deer on November 20, 2004 after sitting two days in a stand on the edge of a food plot. Deer pass this stand from all directions to enter the field. I had deer upwind and downwind of me for two days. The only way I could hunt a stand for two days and not be pegged by all the deer is because of Stealth Dust.

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Primetime of Rut

Hunting the Godzilla Buck

On the morning of the hunt Nov 13, 2005 at around 8 a.m., I heard a deer moving down wind of me and out of view. I knew that the deer was getting wind of the Doe Estrous and the Buck Urine I had out. Being in the primetime of the rut I knew if it was a buck, there was a very good chance that I would have the animal moving in on me in no time.

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Bow Hunting

The Hughes Buck

The Hughes Buck scored 256 5/8 gross with a 249 3/8. Late Sept. I found a large scrape leading down to several smaller scrapes. Immediately I started bow hunting this large scrape but there was no activity. The next week I started putting Code Blue Doe Estros in the scrape.

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Big Buck Down

Creek-Bottom Trophy Buck

Hi, I would like to just say thanks for a great product. I started using Code Blue Doe Estrous this year. The first day I used it I shot a 158' 9 pointer. The second day I used your great product, I was hunting an area that I've never hunted before. It was a ridge with a rub line crossing it, over looking a creek bottom.

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Code Blue Buck Urine

Fabled Buck Finally Taken

This buck was a fable in our area and had been seen by a lot of on-lookers through the years. I found his escape route from a federal game preserve and started hunting him on November 1, 2006 archery season.

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